Aging is an inevitable and a natural part of our lives. However, there are ways to delay the signs of aging. Acupuncture can help diminish the signs and symptoms of facial aging. A study done in China with facial acupuncture found that “among 300 cases treated in China with facial acupuncture, 90% had marked with effects with one course of 10 treatments” (Zhang, Q. 1996).
Some of the benefits of facial acupuncture:
Improves skin texture
Improves muscle tone
Skin elasticity
Wrinkle reduction
Overall rejuvenation.
Enhances overall appearance and vitality.
Slowing down the signs of the face depends on the health of the body as a whole. In addition to facial acupuncture, we add acupuncture points to improve the overall physical, mental, and emotional well-being.
Single facial acupuncture treatments can yield short-term benefits lasting a few days. For long lasting benefits, we recommend completing a series of 10 to 12 treatments. Long term benefits can be maintained with just a maintenance treatment of once a month